Working Papers

Rebel Governance and Development: 

The Persistent Effects of Distrust in El Salvador 


co-authors: Antonella Bandiera, Lelys Dinarte, Juan Miguel Jimenez,  María Micaela Sviatschi

Working Paper Versions: NBER WB PRWP

Empowering Migrant Women: 

Regularization Programs and Crime Reports 

R&R Journal of Development Economics.

co-authors: Ana María Ibáñez, Dany Bahar

Featured at: VoxDev

Working Paper Versions: WB PRWP 

Fertility Responses to regularization Programs: 

Evidence from Forced Venezuelan Migrants in Colombia

R&R Economic Development and Cultural Change.

co-authors: Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Ana María Ibáñez, and Salvador Traettino

Featured at: VoxDev

Working Paper Versions: WB PRWP, IZA WP

Little Nomads: Economic and Social Impacts of Migration on Children


co-authors: Magdalena Cortina, and Juan Miguel Jimenez

Working Paper Versions: WB PRWP

Research Brief: English

Electoral Consequences of Easing the Integration of Forced Migrants:

Evidence from a Southern Country


co-authors: Alejandra Quintana, María José Urbina

Featured at: VoxDev

Working Paper Versions: WB PRWP, IZA WP

Right to education: Forced Migration and Child Education Outcomes


co-author: Juan Fernando Vargas

Working Paper Versions: WP PRWP

Refugees and Humanitarian Aid: The Rohingya Impact on Bangladesh’s Development


co-authors: Alvin Etang Ndip, María José Urbina, and Christina Wieser

Working Paper Versions: WB PRWP

Research Brief: English

Impacts of Extremist Ideologies on Refugees’ Integration: Evidence from Afghan Refugees in Tajikistan


co-authors: Laurent Bossavie and María José Urbina

Working Paper Versions: WB PRWP

Research Brief: English

The Fine Line between Nudging and Nagging: Increasing Take-up Rates Through Social Media in Colombia


co-authors: Andrés Moya and María José Urbina

Working Paper Versions: PRWP IZA 

Thriving Beyond Borders? 

Exploring the Life Outcomes of Forcibly Displaced Kids

co-authors: Andrés Moya and Tatiana Hiller

Research Brief: Spanish English

Working Paper Versions: WB PRWP

Work In Progress

Housing Subsidies for Refugees: Experimental Evidence on Life Outcomes and Social Integration in Jordan

co-authors: Edward Miguel, Bailey Palmer, Emma Smith, Sarah Stillman, Abdulrazzak Tamim

Pre-analysis plan [here]


Forced Displacement, the Perpetuation of Autocratic Leaders, and Development in Origin Countries

co-authors: Nicolás Cabra and María Micaela Sviastchi

Impacts of Camps on the Lives of Refugees in Jordan: Evidence from the Syrian Refugee Life Study

co-authors: Edward Miguel, Bailey Palmer, Emma Smith, and María José Urbina

Refugee and Host Integration through The Safety Net: Impact Evaluation in Ethiopia

co-authors: Dennis Egger, and Alfredo Manfredini 

Pre-analysis Plan