1- Life out of the Shadows: The Impacts of Regularization Program on the Lives of Forced Migrants
Journal of European Economic Association. Forthcoming.
co-authors: Ana María Ibáñez, Andrés Moya, María Ortega, María Urbina
Working Paper Versions: WB PRWP
Dissemination video [English] [Spanish]
Featured at: VoxDev, Foco Economico, World Bank Development Blog, WB Featured Story, World Economic Forum
Replication Data [available here]
2- In Someone Else’s Shoes: Reducing Prejudice through Perspective Taking
Journal of Development Economics, Volume 170.
co-author: Marisol Rodríguez-Chatruc
Working Paper Versions: WB PRWP
Supplementary online materials [here]
Research Brief: [English] [Spanish]
Featured at: VoxDev
Replication Data [available here]
3- Least Protected, Most Affected: Impacts of Migration Regularization Programs on Pandemic Resilience
AEA Papers and Proceedings 113: 347-51
co-authors: Ana María Ibáñez, Andrés Moya, and María Urbina
4-Is Murder Bad for Business? Evidence from Colombia
The Review of Economics and Statistics 100 (5): 769-782
Featured at: VoxDev.
5- Racial Disparities in the Acquisition of Juvenile Arrest Records
Journal of Labor Economics (S1): S125-S159
Co-author: Steven Raphael
Featured at: Quartz, UC Berkeley Opportunity Lab
6- Blessing or Burden? The Impact of Refugees on Businesses and the Informal Economy
Journal of Development Economics Volume 146
Co-authors: Onur Altindag and Ozan Bakis
Featured at: VoxDev
7- Give me Your Tired and Your Poor: Impact of Amnesty Programs for Undocumented Refugees
Journal of Development Economics 151
Co-authors: Dany Bahar and Ana María Ibáñez.
Featured at: El Espectador, VoxDev, IZA:World of Labor
8- Brothers or Invaders? How Crises-Driven Migrants Shape Voting Behavior
Journal of Development Economics 150
Co-author: Juan Fernando Vargas
Featured at: VoxDev, Focoeconomico, The Wall Street Journal,
9- Is a Refugee Crisis a Housing Crisis? Only if Housing is Unresponsive
Journal of Development Economics, 148
Co-author: Maria Micaela Sviastchi
10- Forced Migration and the Spread of Infectious Diseases
Journal of Health Economics 79 (102491)
Co-authors: Ana María Ibáñez and Maria Urbina
Featured at: ContextoMedia, IDBblog
11- Is Informality Good for Business? The Impacts of IDP Inflows on Formal Firms
Journal of Human Resources 56(4)
Co-author: Hernan Winkler.
Featured at: Brookings Future Development
12- Deportation, Crime, and Victimization
Journal of Population Economics 34(1), 141-166
Co-authors: Therese Anders and Steven Raphael
13- Syrian Life Refugee Survey: First Glimpse
Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Special Issue on Forced Displacement 38 (3): 625–653
co-authors: Edward Miguel, Bailey Palmer, Emma Smith, Sarah Stillman, and Abdulrazzak Tamim
Data available here (in-person March 2020)
14- Who Opposes Refugees? Swedish Demographics and Attitudes Towards Forcibly Displaced Populations
Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Special Issue on Forced Displacement 38 (3): 557–577
co-author: María J. Urbina
15- The Unintended Consequences of Deportations: Evidence from Firm Behavior in El Salvador
Economic Development and Cultural Change 71 (4)
co-authors: Antonella Bandiera, Lelys Dinarte, Carlos Schmidt-Padilla, Micaela Sviatschi, and Hernan Winkler
16- Discrimination Toward Migrants During Crises
Migration Studies 10 (4): 582-607
co-author: Marisol Rodríguez Chatruc
Featured at: focoeconomico
17- Unintended Consequences of Illegal Economic Activities: Illegal Gold Mining and Malaria
World Development 136 (105119)
Featured at: NPR
The World Bank Economic Review 31 (2): 570-594
Co-authors: Daniel Mejía and Pascual Restrepo
Featured at: The Huffington Post ; Drug Policy Alliance; El Espectador article 4; El Espectador article 1; El Tiempo article; El Espectador article 2; El Espectador article 3
19- The Effects of Youth Training on Risk Behavior: The Role of Non-Cognitive Skills
IZA Journal of Labor and Development 5 (12): 1-27
Co-author: Carla Calero
20- Creating New Opportunities for Rural Producers: Impact Evaluation of a Pilot Program
Journal of Drug and Policy Analysis 8 (1): 1-35
Co-authors: Verónica González, Yuri Soares, and Carlos Morales
Featured at: Inter-American Development Bank; The Huffington Post; Economonitor
Pre-doctoral Publications
21- Payroll Taxes in Colombia: A Theoretical Approach
Ensayos Sobre Política Económica 26 (57): 72-128
22- Firm Informality in Colombia: Problems and Solutions
Desarrollo y Sociedad (63): 209-244
Co-author: Mauricio Cárdenas
23- Qualitative and quantitative analysis of Firm informality in Colombia
Desarrollo y Sociedad (63): 269-296
Co-author: Mauricio Santa María
24- Beyond bubbles: The role of asset prices in early-warning indicators
Ensayos Sobre Política Económica, 26 (56): 114-148. 2008
Co-author: Esteban Gómez
25- Nuevo enfoque para la construcción de un único indicador líder de la actividad económica colombiana
Coyuntura Económica XXXVIII, No. 2, Segundo semestre de 2008, pp. 21-62